Sunday, 6 January 2013

updates coming up...

First of all, happy new year to everyone!!
(I know I am a little bit late with that :p)

Just a short heads up about what's coming next...

Updates for Belle Refresh CFW's

I know there are bugs in my latest CFW's based on Belle Refresh and I apologise for not taking care of them so far...

If you follow my work here, you know reported bugs usually get fixed within a few hours/days after they were reported.
I hope you understand that during the holidays/new year I didn't had the time to work on it.

The upcoming updates will mainly fix the following:
-calendar sync via Nokia Suite
-animation screen saver not working
-language/keyboard support (Nokia N8)

I will also include some other small updates. Work on that has already started and fixed versions should be available in the next few days.

Update for the Nokia 808

Since October last year (Belle FP2 release date), Nokia seemed to be working extremely hard and as a result we now have a version bump of 000.000.0001!!

As "exciting" that news about v113.010.1508 may is, it doesn't have much priority for me.
A minor version change like that suggest a very small, probably region related update...

So the only reason to create a CFW based on that version is, to allow new users who already upgraded to .1508 to use my CFW.

If everything else on my other firmwares is fixed, I may take a look at it.
But for now, I think we are fine using 1507.

The main problem here is time.
I will be offline for three weeks starting from 14. January (military service). Even if I create a CFW 'till then, if it contains any bugs, I won't be around to fix them and downgrading is not an option on the 808...



    Wollte mal Anfragen ob du das in der neuen Version fürs N8 (und eventuell andere deiner CFW Handys) einfügen könntest. Wäre das machbar? Hab mal ein Vorschau Bild mit eingefügt...


    1. Hallo Flo,

      technisch wäre es natürlich möglich, es passt aber nicht wirklich in mein konzept...

      wenn du es selbst einbauen willst, öffne die core oder rofs2 via nokiacooker und überschreibe die vorhandene datei unter \resource\apps\

      oder benutze den joshlog patch, falls du nicht erneut flashen möchtest.

  2. Happy Epiphany from Spain, the_one friend, I tell DOWN GRADE I did my 808, I dropped from 1508 to 1507, if interested, I can contact you to provide explanation, thanks for the work every day makes

    1. Pls tell how you could downgrade as a reply to this post.. This would help 100s or even 1000s of users :) thanks..

  3. i am intereseted how to downgrade TIA

  4. The downgrade is only for fp2, you can go from the 1508 to 1507 or 1506, but you can not re-fp1 If the_one authorizes me, I will write a little doc,

    1. thanks for the info!
      that would be great, please let us know more about it ;)


    Taylor who is famous for leaking the latest Nokia N8 firmwares before official firmware update arrives, claims that Nokia Belle Refresh isn't the last update for Nokia N8, rather another update will arrive for Nokia N8 and may be for other Symbian Belle Smart Phones family too. Phones that are part of 1st Gen S^3 family include N8, C7, E7, E6, C6-01 & 500. However its still unclear whether the firmware update will be released for 2nd Gen Nokia Belle Devices (808 PureView, 701, 701 & 603) or not. -

  6. Nokia N8 The One Edition 7.0 i hear you coming :o)

  7. Taylor News

    "Hello! First of all, Happy New Year everyone! Successfully survived the last year. Good news on the first day of the year! There will be a new SW for N8! RM 596_111.050.0003 The version number is not yet final! It is not yet available, there is no changelog. So patience! In the meantime, I think there is no point in a new Pro version automatically."

    1. interesting... hopefully it gets released before they close down access to navifirm.

    2. Notfalls gibt es Nokia Suite. Da kommt man auch an die Firmware ran und es gibt genug Leute mit verschiedenen Produkt Codes so das man an viele Firmwares trotzdem ran kommt...

  8. Hi The one,

    question from forum "Telefon-Treff":
    "Bei der TheOne CFW für das N8 soll ja angeblich die CPU übertaktet werden. Die Frage ist, ob das für's 808 auch möglich wäre, oder ob der Spielraum nicht da ist, weil die CPU schon mit der OFW nahe am Limit läuft. Wenn aber 1,3GHz in oder gar unterhalb der "normalen" Spezifikation wäre, wäre ja möglicherweise noch etwas Luft."

    Any comments?

    1. Hallo Felsen2000

      Die Information dass meine CFW's die CPU übertakten ist falsch!

      Das meine CFW schneller läuft als die OFW, liegt and der konfiguration der Software und hat nichts mit der Hardware zu tun.

      Soweit ich informiert bin, gibt es im Moment keine Möglichkeit aktuelle Symbian Geräte zu übertakten.

  9. nochmal : die Cpu ~ Gpu Auslastung wurde modifiziert, das heißt wie viel Strom wird bereitgestellt und wie viel Berechnungen zugelassen. und das hat nichts mit einer Übertaktung zu tun

    1. genaugenommen, ist es mehr sowas wie prioritäten setzten im windows taskmanager.

      die direkte stomzufuhr kann ich nicht kontrollieren... indirekt hat die zugelassene cpu/gpu auslastung aber natürlich einfluss auf den stromverbrauch.

  10. Hi Daniel,
    Will you also start making CFW's based on the new, yet to come, 111.050.0003 firmware?
