A small bug fix update for my 808 CFW.
If you are on v3.2.1, you can use "update" instead of "refurbish".
It will fix the bluetooth problems, caused by akncapserver mod.
If you get errors like "sending failed" or similar, update to this version.
That mod is now removed...
Thanks to
808User from Daily Mobile Forum for reporting this bug to me!
In my own experience, this bug especially affects people using translations... Since my 808 is in repair, I can not test it myself.
I will test this Mod properly when my phone comes back, but for now I think it is better to remove it.
If you want to test the mod yourself, you can get it from here:
Akncapserver.exe modded by iExtraX7
The translations for v3.2.1 are fully compatible to v3.2.2.
Only important changes are in CORE, so the ROFS2 by
freaxs_r_us will still work!