Friday 30 November 2012

Screenshots: The One Reloaded v3.3.1

I finally took some new screenshots for my 808 CFW.
You can see them here...

The One Reloaded v3.3, a set on Flickr.


  1. Replies
    1. it was about time... last screenshots i published were from FP1 :p

  2. can you tell me when will the translations? thanks

    1. i could make 10 ready now, that would mean everybody else has to wait. I'll try to finish another 3 sysap translations, and maybe I could release tomorrow. No promises

    2. ok friend, use the time to work, to have the translations will wait 04

  3. Microsoft apps is not sync the document in the phone.
    i install your cfw 3.3.1

    1. need more info. i only use onenote, which is fine... for everything else i have quickoffice.

      so what is not synchronising?
      office 365, sharepoint, local files? any specific error message?

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. office mobile not sync.the local file like word, exel etc in favorate document. There is no error msg..

    1. thanks for the report.
      but how are you planning to sync the files?
      do you use a sharepoint server, office 365 or what?

      maybe this functionality needs the ms configure app, which is removed... i can try to create an installer for this, contact me via email if you are willing to test it.
      (see support tab for my address)

    2. Yes, configuration of Office 365 needs the configure app.

      OneNote sync via SkyDrive works fine.

  6. Why is there the no.1 in the top of the screen??

    1. the phone can handle dual Sim.... The number shows you if calls are coming in on line 1 or line 2

  7. Is it possible to remove the F... Facebook share button from the gallery?

    you´re firmware is awesome!

    1. i don't think we can remove it that easily.
      with some effort, maybe we could remove the functionallity and make the button transparent... but its too much effort to hide a little button.

      set up your flickr account (if you have one)... will give you a flickr share button instead of facebook :p

    2. by the way is this button in the old belle from the 808 too? i started with fp2 on the 808 had no chance to check it. if not i go back to an older firmware no fb button and Swype is working :-) someone knows??

  8. thanks but i´m not using social networks and i cant understand why all programmer´s are doing stuff like this in there apps with no choice to delete it.

    This wasnt in my N8 and im thinking about to sell my brand new 808 and go back to older stuff because of this and no Swype in FP2 that really sucks

    1. the first belle version for the 808 was FP1, and yes that share button was already included.
      you can not downgrade your 808 anyway! once on higher firmware you are "stuck" on it... only first gen devices like n8 were able to downgrade.

      and a little correction, there was a share button in the n8 gallery!
      it was for nokia social (facebook/twitter)... but if you uninstalled social, it was just a broken button (error "feature not supported" when clicked).

      i am not sure about swype, but i though i read somewhere that it is now compatible to fp2...
      i could be wrong, i am fine with the default keyboard

  9. Damn... i thought i can downgrade with de scandinavia firmware from n8 and reinstall right one after it on 808.

    The button wasnt in my n8 100% not...i had never installed social maybe thats why.

    No Swype is not working on fp2 there is a fix for lower firmware´s the "Timebomb" is removed problem on FP2 is you can use Swype but you cant see what you write because it´s behind the keyboard...and same problem with downgrading if you used the beta 2.1 you cant go back to the 1.0 from the store without flashing or hardreset.

    Thanks anyway you doing a very nice job on your firmware´s!

    1. i really love swype, too, but i must say the word predictions in Fp2 are really good, too..

    2. i read on dailymobile that there is a fix for swype... The onr there is made for german and english, but there is a tutorial for how to fix it in other languages.... And about the Facebook button, i don't think that that is a reason to sell your 808

    3. some rumours say you can downgrade using the scandinvian n8 firmware... but it sounds very risky and i never saw any proof, i can not recommend to try it!

      the button in the n8 gallery was definitly there... since it didn't look like a facebook button, it probably just didn't get soo much attention

  10. Can you post the link? im looking for a fix for days now couldnt finde one who works maybe the one you heard from is working.

    No only the FB button is not a reason but swype and the button would be for me i was more happy with my N8



    2. Thanks but that´s only the timebomb fix not working for FP2 problem ...

    3. sorry,this is the correct link for the gap fix

  11. Thanks for your effort but this fix is also only for lower belle than FP2 the problem on FP2 is you cant see what you write not the gap, you can see the homescreen.

    1. i dont think there is aly solution yet hopfully it will be one soon

  12. i want installer file which help to sync in local file in favorite document

    1. hi pawan,
      sorry didn't had time to create the installer for you... but i got your email and will send you the file as soon as it is ready

  13. hi ,
    its ok
    when you get time you create the installer file and them send me.

  14. hello sr the one, tell me I have tried to downgrade to scandinavia and the phone fails to start and does not downgrade, I commented on the publication of the December 7, a greeting from Spain

    1. hi david,
      the idea is to flash the scandinavian n8 firmware (brick the phone on purpose) and then flash any 808 firmware to bring it back to life...

      but as mentioned it is only a rumour, i hope your phone was booting again after flashing the latest firmware :)

  15. I did that test two months ago and the phone started out perfectly when I load the correct cfw, while inserting scandinavia, does not even send data.Theone 3.3.1 works at 100x100, happy holidays to all from Spain

  16. Is it possible to use the old Gallery? Please if is there way help me out i hate it the direction to show the Pictures is going from right to left not left to right or better to explain the old pics are on top and this damn FB and share shit it´s hurting my eyes.

    I sell this damn Nokia junk im done with it.
    What if i break it send it to Nokia can they Downgrade it?

    1. hi chris,

      first of all, yes nokia can downgrade your phone. but the first symbian version running on the 808 was a modified FP1, which already came with the new gallery (in fact it was the same gallery, but an earlier version with less features).
      so downgrading to fp1 will not solve your problem, it will make it worse!

      the old gallery could probably be ported to the nokia 808.
      the problem is, parts of the new gallery are used in the camera interface (preview and editing options)...

      i am pretty sure removing the new gallery would cause major bugs or even break the camera app completly.

      back on my Samsung I8910 (Symbian S60v5) i used this application:

      maybe you can find a decent gallery replacement for belle fp2 somewhere...

  17. Dieses geht mir einfach nur auf die EIER! Sorry, hte one - aber wie man so einen Dreckshoster benutzen kann verstehe ich nicht. Ich habe jedesmal extreme Probleme die Files zu ziehen.

    Warum nicht alles auf Mediafire? Dort läuft alles PERFEKT!

    Genervte Grüße aus Thailand...

    1. die hoster geschichte wurde hier ja schon einige male diskutiert, im faq findest du sogar das "wieso" und ein paar tips wie du am besten downloaden kannst.

      meiner meinung nach ist hier mediafire der "dreckshoster" (wobei man als free user auch nicht zuviel erwarten darf).

      dass man als free user, der nur an downloads interessiert ist, von mediafire begeistert ist, kann ich verstehen... für uploads ists aber einfach nur mühsam!

      momentan bin ich sowieso zu beschäftigt um einen hoster-wechsel durchzuführen... werde aber in zukunft nach einer besseren lösung ausschau halten.

  18. Danke für Deine Antwort. Ich versuche seit TAGEN das Update zu ziehen. Erfolglos. Wenn Irgendjemand so lieb ist und auf Rapidshare hochlädt - oder sonstwohin. VIELEN DANK!
